Looking Back and Thinking Forward: Reflections at the Completion of MHST 631
The future of health promotion must include a renewed focus on health literacy
Stem Cell Therapies: The state of misinformation and public health consequences of unproven claims
Looking Ahead: Thoughts and Ponderings about my Future Health Promotion Journey
The Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion: Relevant but Largely Unhelpful
It's time to rehabilitate long-term care in Canada
More than a little bit confused- cognitively impaired seniors: our most vulnerable patients
Fighting Frailty- Addressing failure to thrive in seniors
Social Determinants of Health: comparing BC and Ontario
A 1948 definition in a 2021 world
Reflecting on Professionalism (Assignment #1)
I already changed my mind- My updated Social Media Plan
Lets get started: My Social Media Plan